In a little karve with red and white sails we glide along the river, winding through gentle hills, a band of Karzelek adventurers travelling on foot waves to us. I wave back and wonder where they are off to?
Days go by, the river begins to narrow I bring the boat ashore, we have left their homeland behind us and infront is the vast steppes ruled by the great cat khanate. A caravan of traveling merchants are heading to distant lands and invite us to join them.
I ask one of the merchants "where are we going?" he replies "We are trading our wares and visiting many strange places. From dark ominous ruins, high tech cities to shrines resting on snowy mountain tops."
We hop on his camel and look forward to the journey ahead
I love to paint themes from my imagination based on fantasy, science fiction, history, philosophy and horror. I hope you will also enjoy my work.